You may have heard that Yahoo is getting a new CEO, a man named Thomas McInerney. Did you also happen to hear that McInerney is getting a base salary that is double what former CEO Marissa Mayer earned? Yep, the gender pay gap still has a long way to go. (Refinery 29).
With that in mind, 24/7 Wall St. used data from the Bureau of Labor statistics to compare the weekly earning of women to the weekly earnings of men – for the exact same job. According to their report, these are the 10 worst paying jobs for women:
- Personal Financial Advisor: On average women make 56% of what men make in the exact same position.
- Insurance Sales Agents: Women make 58% of what men make.
- Physicians and Surgeons: Women make only 63% of what male doctors earn.
- Real Estate Agents and Brokers: 64%
- Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales: 65%
- Marketing and Sales Managers: 65%
- Administrative Service Managers: 68%
- General Sales Reps: 69%
- Teachers and Instructors: 69%
- Financial Managers: 69%