Police in New Jersey are looking for a missing man. He's described as a clown wearing yellow overalls, big red shoes, a big smile and a giant red Afro. He also goes by the name of Ronald McDonald.
A life-sized statue of the iconic McDonald's mascot was stolen from a McDonald's where it had sat on a bench for the past 20 years. The restaurant is being renovated and the 250-pound statue was supposed to be moved to a safe location for storage, but before it could be removed, someone apparently swiped it.
The franchise owners say they paid $7000 for the statue in 1993 are offering a $500 reward for its safe return. They say, "Whoever stole Ronald McDonald didn't just steal from us, they stole from thousands of parents who want to share their memories growing up with their kids. They grew up with Ronald McDonald. He's a part of the history and marketing of McDonald's."