Reports and Photos from The Marion County Fair - Monday, June 28, 2021

The 171st Marion County Fair kicked off on Monday, June 28, 2021 with a dedication honor to the late Jerry Criswell and the Jr Fair Coronation.

The 2021 Marion County Fair kicked off with a dedication and honor for 40+ year Marion County Fair Board member Jerry Criswell.

The Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting for the Marion County Fair was done by Jerry Criswell's wife Jean, in his honor.

Marion County Fair & Livestock Royalty

2021 Marion County Fair Royalty:

Marion County Fair Queen: Lilly Wagner

Marion County Fair King: Joey Crawford

Marion County Fair Princess: Abby Isler

Marion County Fair Prince: Adrian Starcher

Marion County Fair Livestock Royalty:

Beef Queen: Taylor Dunlap

Beef Princess: Kylee Parsell

Dairy Feeder Queen: Rachel Lahner

Dairy Feeder Princess: Macie Kearns

Dairy Princess: Kyla Stockdale

Equine King: Jorden Buckland

Wquine Princess: katie Valentine

Goat Princess: Anna LaBarge

Goat King: Johan Bowdle

Poultry Princess: Averie Strine

Poultry Prince: Garrett Groll

Rabbit Queen: Makenzae Eager

Rabbit Prince: Oly Coy

Swine Queen: Abby Isler

Swine Princess: Bailey Boblenz

Wool Princess: Claire Harraman

Paul James had a chance to meet Marion County Jr. Fair's Emma Crease from River Valley talks about what she does at the fair and why she loves it so much in this #MarionNow Podcast.

Paul James sat down with Kyla Stockdale, a member of the Richland Hayseeds 4-H Club and River Valley FFA, who founded the Open Hearts Livestock Show, where kids with developmental disabilities can show animals in a fair setting. It was an idea she developed on her own and will be at the Marion County Fair on Friday, July 2nd at 6:00 PM in the Coliseum. In this #MarionNow Podcast, she explains the concept and why she put this event together.

Kyla Stockdale, 2021 Marion County Dairy Princess

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